Footcare Treatments
Whether at home with an outreach appointment or at clinic, a footcare session could include the following depending on the client’s needs:
A full assessment of your feet, including taking medical details.
Trimming and filing of toenails
Reducing any thickened toenails
Debriding callus
Enucleating any corns (hard corns, soft corns and seed corns)
Parr any verruca
Cleansing the foot with skin disinfectant pre, during and post treatment
Dressings, paddings and any medicinal tinctures if required
Foot massage with professional foot care cream suitable for your skin condition
Advice on footwear and maintaining your foot care in between appointments
And most importantly a friendly face and a chinwag!

I am delighted to be working on a Thursday in Corsham at the
Clinic 1
Please call, email or contact me via my facebook page to book an appointment
If an outreach booking or an alternative day would be more convenient for you then please contact me.